Reliable Storage Pure Water

300 L to 2000 L Size Available

Welcome to Brand ED, a premier manufacturer of durable and weather-resistant Plumbo rotomolded plastic storage tanks and allied products. With over 23 years of experience, we've established ourselves as leaders in the industry across 7 states in India. Our ISO9001-2015 certification underscores our commitment to quality

What’s Our Story

Over 23 years of experience, we've established ourselves as leaders in the industry across 7 states in India. Our ISO9001-2015 certification underscores our commitment to quality.
23 Years of Experience

We Deliver The Quality Water
Welcome to Brand ED, a premier manufacturer of durable and weather-resistant Plumbo rotomolded plastic storage tanks and allied products. With over 23 years of experience, we've established ourselves as leaders in the industry across 7 states in India. Our ISO9001-2015 certification underscores our commitment to quality.

    Our extensive product range includes: Plumbo Vertical Overhead Tanks - for water and chemical storage, available in: A. Black double-layered B. White triple-layered C. Premium white four-layered D. White four-layered with PUF insulation Plumbo Loft Tanks Textile Processing Trolleys Dustbins Portable Toilets Household Drums Experience the durability and reliability of Brand ED's Plumbo products for all your storage

Our Porducts

Types of Tank 300 ltr 500 ltr 750 ltr 1000 ltr
3 layer super white, orange, blue, yellow 8.00 KG 11.50 KG 16.50 KG 21.00 KG
4 layer marble 9.00 KG 12.20 KG 17.50 KG 23.00 KG
4 layer with super foam thermous puff 9.50 KG 13.00 KG 21.00 KG 25.50 KG
Length branded 34 inches 40 inches 42 inches 47 inches
Width branded 28 inches 32 inches 40 inches 43 inches
Length plumbo 36 inches 32 inches 44 inches 50 inches
Width plumbo 36 inches 32 inches 40 inches 43 inches

What Are People Saying

Taste Like Heaven

Praesent nec elit imperdiet, tincidunt ex at, malesuada lectus. Praesent cursus diam risus, non accumsan neque fermentum eget. Maecenas vel aliquam enim aliquam aliquet finibus nisl.
Margie R. Robinson

Taste Like Imperdiet

Praesent nec elit imperdiet, tincidunt ex at, malesuada lectus. Praesent cursus diam risus, non accumsan neque fermentum eget. Maecenas vel aliquam enim aliquam aliquet finibus nisl.
Ronald Man

Taste Like Heaven

Praesent nec elit imperdiet, tincidunt ex at, malesuada lectus. Praesent cursus diam risus, non accumsan neque fermentum eget. Maecenas vel aliquam enim aliquam aliquet finibus nisl.

Taste Like Imperdiet

Praesent nec elit imperdiet, tincidunt ex at, malesuada lectus. Praesent cursus diam risus, non accumsan neque fermentum eget. Maecenas vel aliquam enim aliquam aliquet finibus nisl.
Vice Manager

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